Monday, December 15, 2008

The Little Man in the Map

The Little Man in the Map
written by E. Andrew Martonyi
Published by Schoolside Press
Available on the publishers website for $19.95

The Little Man in the Map is a unique book the teaches US geography using visual clues on the United States map. Beginning with "the little man", formed by Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana, we learn the rest of the 50 states relating their position to the "little man". I admit, that I haven't ever noticed the "little man" but this is definately a unique way of using visual clues to learn a sometimes difficult subject.

A teacher's manual is in the works. I was able to preview the unfinished version and find that there are many interesting and detailed activities for a wide-range of grade levels. With the use of the teacher's manual, I think that this is a comprehensive USA geography program.

Also, the author has a BLOG, where he shares interesting tidbits of information relating to the book.

You can see more about this book (or order a copy) at Schoolside Press. They are also offering Free Shipping right now.

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