Sunday, December 21, 2008

Avoiding Homeschool Burnout

I am suffering from homeschool burnout.

This tends to happen every year around this time, so I thought that I would share some ways that I am able to overcome and finish the year with a florish - maybe my suggestions will help you finish your year with a BANG!

1. Take a Break - Our homeschool will be taking a break from Dec. 24- Jan. 3. Feel free though to take a break any time of the year. It is better to take a few days off than to drive yourself - and the kids - bonkers!

2. Mix things up a little - A little change in your routine can do wonders for everyone. Typically we do history/science/geography/read-aloud in the afternoons. For the month of January we will be doing these topics during the morning and math/spelling/english in the afternoon. Life wouldn't work this way all the time, but a change for a bit is good for everyone.

3. Throw in a unit study - We tend to study history chronologically (loosely anyway) and science topically. During January we are going to ditch our history, science, geography and english programs and do a unit study. This year we are going to use Further Up and Further In to study through The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis. (Review to come soon)

4. Try to get outside - As homeschool mothers I think we have a tendency to chain ourselves to our homes. There are always things to do; lessons to prepare, clothes to wash, floors to sweep, things to dust. It is important for us to get OUT. Go to the park or nature area. Visit the library or YMCA. Sit in the yard. Throw snowballs at your kids (if you get snow!). Find something to do outside the 4 walls of your home. I guarantee that your outlook will be improved when you return......and all your chores will be patiently waiting for you!

I hope that these ideas inspire you to continue on. Keep running the race! Your children will grow up too fast.....make every moment count.

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