Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's Try This Again

I think that we may all finally be feeling better. The illness ended up being the contagious stomach bug variety. I was sick Tuesday, better Wednesday, and sick Thursday (Greg and Lee were also sick Thursday). We are all better again now, but I am moving slowly and seem to be having trouble recovering. I managed some light housework this morning and finished my Cadron Creek review (see below) but I am getting achy again so will probably call it a day pretty quick. I am hoping that this passes soon!

It is such a beautiful day! I wish that I was feeling better to enjoy it. God is blessing us with just a touch of spring. Snow, sleet and rain are in our forcast for the evening so winter isn't gone yet. Daily I am more eager to get outside and play in the dirt. Soon we will be placing our garden seed orders. I am so thankful for the knowledge of how to grow our own food. Eating from your very own garden is the very best of treats :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

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