Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Running Errands

We spent all morning running errands.

I hate for our normal daily activities to be interruped, really for any reason, so if we have to go out.........we GO OUT.........and try to get everything done all at once. Normally this would make me a nervous wreck, but today everything seemed to go fairly well.

We started at the post office, then went to the vet for Sadie's scheduled grooming. Then off to walgreens to pick up pictures and pepsi and drop movies at Family Video. I had packed school with us so we went to the library. The boys seem inspired on days that we do things differently. Yesterday, school took 6 hours. Today we were completely done in 3......HOURS. Can you believe the difference? I don't know what causes it, but I wish that I could convice them to do that more often. Once they were finished with school, we joined the preschool story time and the boys played a game of checkers before we left. We picked up Sadie and went to a different town to pick up my new glasses. I am not sure that I like them. They are bigger, bolder and a different shape than any others I have ever had. One minute I like them, the next I don't. It is a good thing my prescription doesn't change and I have 2 other pairs to wear.

We managed to make it home at 11:30. Leftovers for lunch! Got Norman off to work (back to 2nd shift) and then finished school. I have been bumming around on the internet while Bear sleeps. The older boys are working on rocks that have been polishing for what seems like forever. I am trying to track down an old friend. His daughter passed away and I am hoping to get in touch with him. Funny how it is so easy to lose touch? If you are reading this, Dan, we are praying for your family!

Supper at mom's tonight. I think fried chicken (per Lee's request). Last week ended up being an emotional mess, I am hoping that tonight is uneventful.

Better get back to the search. Have a good evening!

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