Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Wonderful Life

Yes, it is a wonderful life........

School is going good. There don't seem to be any bumps in the road at all. The kids seem to like the math drills and are actually having fun doing math. Lee seems to enjoy Latin and is picking it up a lot quicker than I do. I will really need to keep working ahead so that I can stay ahead of him :) My schedule (posted below) has been reworked slightly. The boys didn't need so much time for the a.m. subjects, so they have a much larger break before lunch. I am grateful that they are able to have this time, as they can spend it with their dad before he leaves for work.

Lee is thinking about dedicating his life to the Lord. I am so proud/pleased/scared for him. I know that the road isn't always easy, but I am so grateful that God is allowing him, as well as the rest of us, this opportunity to reach his throne. What a wonderful blessing........Praise be to God!!!!

It is so hot here....the boys are outside playing in the sprinkler......I am sitting in the central air....very thankful for that....working on school and whatnot. I really do have a wonderful life :)

I hope that everyone is having a blessed day!!!

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