Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

As promised, here are my resolutions for the 2007. Although not necessarily written down, one of them is to be more prompt with my posting :)

1. Daily quiet time
2. Memorize 1 Bible verse a week - I am thinking of starting with Proverbs 31
3. Exercise at least 2 times a week - I will alternate with walking, Tae Bo and Pilates
4. Establish a cleaning routine and habits via flylady - I have been working on this for the last week.

I hope that with these new resolutions I will be able to more efficiently and effectively run my household and serve my family.

Here's to a wonderful 2007!


Anonymous said...

You have a wonderderful blog!! Good luck on your Resolutions!

Unknown said...

Love your blog! I can't wait for an update! :) I have a blog as well it's Stop in and chat with me from time to time!