Saturday, January 27, 2018

Podcasts I Love: History

Have you decided that I'm crazy as the day is long, listening to all those paranormal/conspiracy theory podcasts?

Maybe you think I've gone over to the dark side with all the true crime podcasts?

Let's broaden your definition of me just a little more. 

I was a history major in college and I've loved to know all about what-used-to-be for as long as I can remember.  That continues.  Here is an extensive list of history podcasts that I listen to.

Back Story - This one is almost political.  The hosts take items that are in the headlines now and dig out the history behind it. 

Chasing Earhart - The host of this podcast is compiling an extensive list of Amelia Earhart enthusiasts and researchers.  All the angles of her disappearance over the Pacific are explored and I understand that there will be a documentary in the future.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - This is like taking a history class in college.  The host takes a topic and presents it thoroughly, usually an episode is 5 or 6 hours long.  The episodes don't come out very often, but its an all-day treat when they drop.

Futility Closet - Although each topic is just skimmed over (maybe 15-20 minutes per topic) the hosts make it interesting.  Each episode is ended with a critical thinking puzzle that you can to work on with one of the hosts. 

Historical Figures - Another short podcasts that covers the people that made history.

Nerds on History - They haven't published anything in a while.  Waiting patiently..............

Omnibus - These guys take the premise that there has been some kind of civilization ending disaster and the people of the future have discovered and are listening to their podcast from some kind of archive.  They cover odd historical bits.  The way they present the podcast takes some getting used to (because they mention future beings when I'm not from the future lol), but the things that they cover are fascinating.

Malcolm Gladwell: Revisionist History - He hasn't published in a while, but if memory serves me right he is a British gentleman that goes over how history is rewritten to serve the needs of a culture.  I think this is a timely podcast seeing how history is trying to be rewritten in our culture.

Stuff You Missed in History Class - One of the first podcasts I started listening to.  Each episode is approximately 30 minutes and brings up an event or person that might have been missed in a typical history class.  Its a FUN podcast and probably my favorite.

The Gentleman Nerds - I haven't seen anything from them in a while.

The History Chicks - I consider this a nice middle ground between SYMHC and HardCore History.  Usually an episode is 1-2 hours.  I love their in-depth research (I just finished the episode on the last Hawaiian Queen - which interestingly enough was the topic of one of the first biographies I ever read, in 3rd or 4th grade).  Probably my 2nd favorite history podcast.

I've listened to some others over the last couple years.  Some were dry, some were poorly researched (and it was obvious).  So far, these are the ones in my que.  I love learning and this is one way that I can do it from my home.

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