Sunday, July 12, 2009

What's New

Hello friends!!!!

We had a wonderful July 4th weekend. Norman and I went to the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert. Yes, I did stand on a chair (to take pictures!). No, I did not take off my shirt.....(private joke). LOL It was a great concert. I am so glad that we went.

The boys stayed in KY for the last few days. We are going to fetch them on Thursday. I hate making a quick trip like that.....all the driving in one day makes me tired, but it has to be done. I miss them terribly.

Saturday we will be hosting our 3rd annual 4th of July taekwondo/friend cookout and fireworks show. I know it isn't the 4th but we were gone, remember? So it will be this weekend. I am sure it will be great fun.

School supplies are already out. Can you believe that? They were putting them on the shelves July 5th at Walmart in Paducah, KY. I am not thinking about that now.

Our side-by-side refrigerator decided it didn't want the water in the door to turn off so we have a slow drip leak.....thankfully it quit running a stream. That would have been terribly unhandy. The repairman should be here tomorrow.

So, I guess that is all here. I have some more TEACH reviews to do and possibly another one for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. As always, it will be a busy week. Looking forward to enjoying every minute of it.

Have a great week!!!!!

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