Saturday, September 24, 2011

Goals for the Week of Sept. 26th (and pictures!)

After reading a blog post from Crystal at Money Saving Mom about how she makes her goals for the week, I decided to do that also.  Last week, I set some goals and managed to accomplish almost all of them.  For accountability (and encouragement for those who want to do the same) I decided to post mine here.  Then I will come back next Saturday or Sunday and let you know how I did :)

1. Stretch 7 days a week
2. Walk 6 miles

1.  Complete Motivated Moms planner for the week (complete all routine chores and at least 90% of "bigger" chores)
2.  Get out winter clothes and put away summer clothes.  Gather outgrown clothes for donation.  Make a list of anything we still need.

1. Supervise Greg's work
2. Work on preschool activities at least 3 days a week with Bear.
3. Read to children daily (part of MM planner also)

1. Finish ball of yarn #3 and #4  for L's Christmas gift (out of 8 balls total)
2. Start Abby's Jane Austen gown (again)

1. Make oil change appt. for Norman's car
2. Order Halloween costume items
3. Find and order dress patterns for Old Fashioned Sunday
4. Send cards to those who need encouragement this week
5. Write Gabby Moms review (look for it Monday!)

Crystal has lots more goals in other categories.  I'm starting small.  She has goals set for her Bible reading and prayer time but my Bible reading is listed in my MM planner so I am considering it part of that.  I also spend considerable time praying throughout the day but I haven't made goals towards that end.  I have several books that I am reading (will update sidebar later) but I read when I can and given the list of sewing/knitting I am working on that isn't often.  LOL

The 3 younger children took some time to play in the mud this week.  It was Abby's first time in the mud.  She didn't mind it on her feet but she hated to have it on her hands.  LOL 

And a picture of me.  This is the dropped stitch scarf I made this summer.  I dropped a stitch I wasn't supposed to (oops!) and was too lazy to fix it until the other day.  It is made out of beautiful yarn from Knit Picks......I'm not sure of the variety but it was a hank of lace weight stuff.  The picture doesn't do the color justice.  It kinda "bleeds" pink to purple and back again.  Very subtle.  I am thinking of getting a hank of silk and making another one. 

Well, I guess that is all for now.  I'm going to try to blog more regularly but I always say that and then never do, so don't hold me to it :)  So much to do!


Lori said...

Making goals like that sounds like a good idea to me. Might help me out some too!

Victoria Stankus said...

That's a pretty color for a scarf!