Saturday, October 21, 2006

And on the home front.....

I am knitting, reading and cleaning.....not necessarily in that order :)

I just recieved my newest issue of The Old Schoolhouse I will probably be carving out the time to read that through. We rented the newest version of Pride and Prejudice so I am looking forward to watching that while I knit this evening. I am about half finished with a baby blanket and have another to go before Thanksgiving. I am needing to order some camoflauge yarn for some scarves for the boys, but I am waiting to grub up some money. One of the children that I babysit won't be here for about 2 weeks, so that cuts into my spendable income :)

This evening I will work on my review of The Latin Centered Curriculum by Drew Campbell for TEACH magazine. I am sure that Julie will be glad to receive it :) Sorry it took so long!!!!

The boys are outside enjoying another wonderful, warm, fall day. Norman said that it is supposed to get very cool tomorrow. I guess that it is fall.

So far, no adverse side effects from the Metformin. Course, I should probably find some wood to knock on now.....I sure don't want to be sick.

Have a wonderful fall weekend!!!!!

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